Tag - Somali

Antique Hide Somali Shield – Gãschãn – East Africa

19th century.  Bleached and incised leather. Diameter cm. 30,5 (12.01″). The hide is incised with geometric patterns. Somali warriors carried an iron spear, a short sword called a belawa, and a shield called a gãschãn. Typical small Somali shields are made from giraffe or oryx and are concealed with concentric circles and...

Oryx Hide Somali Shield – Gãschãn – East Africa

19th century.  Bleached and incised oryx leather. Diameter cm. 36,5 (14.37″). The hide is incised with geometric patterns. Somali Shield Somali warriors carried an iron spear, a short sword called a belawa, and a shield called a gãschãn. Typical small Somali shields are made from giraffe or oryx and are concealed with concentric circles...