Old Senuto Amulet – Tugubele – Côte d’Ivoire / Ivory Coast


Mid 20th century. Bronze. Cm. 7,0 high x cm. 4,0 width (2.76″ x 1.57″); Gr. 43,6 (1.54 oz.).

Published piece “Lobi und andere afrikanische Objekte”, page 114 Floros Katsouros, 2014

These figures are kept in home altars and have the main purpose of interacting with the spirit world of the ancestors in order to protect the family and ward off illnesses and the evil eye.

The Senufo people are an ethnolinguistic group of West Africa. They consist of several subgroups that live in a region that crosses the northern Ivory Coast, southeastern Mali and western Burkina Faso.

They are predominantly animists, with some who are Muslims. The Senufo people are famous for their handicrafts, many of which feature their cultural themes and religious beliefs.

Diviners in Senufo communities act as intermediaries between humans and potentially hostile nature spirits. The women’s sandogo association trains many of the diviners in northern Côte d’Ivoire, but other resourceful men and women also learn how to divine. Clients seek consultations with divination experts when illness or disaster strikes, before pursuing a new project, or to prevent future calamities. Successful diviners depend on close interaction with nature spirits, or Tugubele.


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Weight150 g