Old Turkana Food Container – Eburi – Kenya


Wood, leather. This beautiful eburi showcases a beautiful patina. Grams 748,8 (24.41 oz.); height 21,5 cm high x 16,5 cm width (8.46″ x 6.50″).

As nomads, the Turkana of northern Kenya produce primarily functional objects, made to be easily transportable and crafted from materials readily available in their harsh, semi-desert environment. While the shapes of personal or domestic items are traditionally passed down through generations, there is considerable variation within these forms, reflecting the skill, ingenuity, or pride of the maker.

A graceful wooden food container carved by Turkana women is the “eburi”. A woman uses an adze called “arong” to form the basic cylinder from the branch or trunk of a thorn tree, and hollows it out with the “ekeiticht”. She covers the ends with cowhide stretched and molded in wet sand. The bottom piece is bound to the container with leather thongs, and the top becomes the lid. Designs may then be burned onto the surface with a hot nail or pieces of metal. Sometimes a plaited leather handle is added. A woman uses the smaller eburi as a cosmetic jar to hold the animal fat used for greasing her neck to prevent chafing from her tightly wound necklaces.


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Weight2020 g