Antique Ceremonial Knife – Ngombe Tribe – DR Congo

Late 19th – early 20th century. Iron, copper, wood. Cm. 37,7 in length (14.84″); weight: grams 277,0 (9.77 oz.). Former Belgian monastery collection.

The iron blade is forged and decorated with tribal engravings. The wooden part is partially covered with iron strips. On the blade you can curiously observe engraved a seal (photo n. 4).

The tranchet sword is attributed to the populations who live in the northwest of the D.R of Congo, such as the Yakoma, the Sango, the Ngbandi, the Poto, the Ngombe, the Doko and the Mbudja.

For more informations see Barbier Mueller Museum, De Fer et de Fierté, page 147.


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Additional information

Weight277 g