Antique Kris Keris – Malaysia

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Antique Kris Keris – Malaysia

High: cm. 37,5 (14.76″); grams 236,1 (8.33 oz.).

The Keris or Kris in the Malay and Indonesian languages, is an asymmetrical dagger with distinctive blade-patterning achieved through alternating laminations of iron and nickel iron.

Both a weapon and spiritual object, kris are often considered to have an essence or presence, considered to possess magical powers.

Kris are used for display, as talismans with magical powers, weapons, a sanctified heirloom (pusaka), auxiliary equipment for court soldiers, an accessory for ceremonial dress, an indicator of social status, a symbol of heroism, etc. Legendary kris that possess supernatural power and extraordinary ability were mentioned in traditional folktales, such as those of Empu Gandring, Taming Sari, and Setan Kober.


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