Tag - Tuareg

Tuareg Kajal Kohl Bottle – Niger

Metal, several layers of wood and resin. Cm. 8,8 high (3.46”). The kohl or kajal is a powder composed mainly of galena, malachite, sulfur and animal fat used for eye makeup to darken the eyelids anddraw the eye. Depending on the composition can be black or gray. The use of kohl...

Tuareg Teapot – Mauritania

Tin gr. 664,6 (23.44 oz.); copper, brass, resin decorations. Cm. 20,5 high (8.07”) x cm. 23,0 width (9.06”). The Tuareg people inhabit a large area, covering almost all the middle and western Sahara and the north-central Sahel. They are probably descended from the ancient Libyan people of the kingdom of the...

Old Tuareg Talisman – TCHEROT – Azawagh, Niger

1970'. Engraved silver sheet on brass, copper, silver studs. Grams. 53,2 (1.88 oz.); cm. 8,0 high x cm. 7,0 width (3.15” x 2.76"). In the Tuareg language (Tamahaq), the literal sense of the word “Tcherot” means “letter”, “message” or “paper on which something is written”. The word Tcherot is used in Niger, while these talismans are called...

Old Fine Tuareg Earrings – Niger

1970' - Silver grams 20,8 (0.73 oz); cm. 5,7 high x cm. 4,2 width (2.24" x 1.65"). In these earrings, the sign of the goddess Tanit, very ancient apotropaic symbol against misfortune and the evil eye. For the Carthaginians, Tanit was the goddess of fertility, love and pleasure, associated with...

Outstanding Large Tuareg Talismanic Ring – Mosque – Mali

1980'. Silver – grams 39,4 (1.39 oz.); cm. 4,7 high x cm. 2,2 width (1.85" x 0.87"); inner diameter cm. 2,0 (0.79 inches). US size 8.75. The Tuareg people inhabit a large area, covering almost all the middle and western Sahara and the north-central Sahel. They are probably descended from the ancient Libyan people of the...

Old Fine Woven Straw Leather Carpet – Mauritania

Approx. cm. 93,0 x 47,0 (36.61” x 18.50”). Carpet made of very sturdy herb stems with leather strips that form traditional Tuareg geometric designs. The Tuareg people inhabit a large area, covering almost all the middle and western Sahara and the north-central Sahel. They are probably descended from the ancient Libyan people...

Huge Tuareg Talisman – TCHEROT – Mali / Mauritania

20th century. Silver and copper gr. 221,8 (7.82 oz.); cm. 16,7 high x cm. 16,4 width (6.57” x 6.45"). In the Tuareg language (Tamahaq), the literal sense of the word “Tcherot” means “letter”, “message” or “paper on which something is written”. The word Tcherot is used in Niger, while these talismans are called “Taraout” in...