Tag - Hamar

Ethiopian Tribes – Hamar

The Hamar (approx. population 61,000) are principally pastoralists, breeding cattle, goats and sheep. They have a similar veneration for cattle as their close neighbors. As with the majority of tribes in the area, the land in not owned by individuals; it is free for use by any member of the...

Dress with Inner Wallet – Hamar Tribe – Omo Valley, Southern Ethiopia

Leather, cawrie shells, glass beads and metal elements. Cm. 62,0 high x cm. 28,5 width (24.40" x 11.22"). The Hamar, principally pastoralists, are the most readily identifiable of all the peoples of the South Omo. Women wear an elaborately decorated goatskin, often colored with beads and cowries. Beaded necklaces, bracelets and...